Rushing through process changes, technology updates, and new recruit training may lead to missed deadlines and unneeded confusion. That is why firms must follow a long-term plan that allows them to develop smarter rather than quicker. In business, sustainability is all about being repeatable, adaptive,...

In IT, the principle of least privilege (PoLP) refers to the concept that any process, program or user must be provided with only the bare minimum privileges (access or permissions) needed to perform a function. For instance, if a user account has been created for...

The importance of data privacy and data security has grown exponentially as organizations today collect and store more information than ever before. Having a robust data protection strategy is critical to safeguard confidential information and to ensure smooth functioning of your business. But before...

The science of encryption has been the answer to the fundamental human need to masquerade and protect sensitive information from prying eyes. Although the technology has witnessed a drastic metamorphosis over the ages, the fundamental concept behind encryption has remained unchanged. Encryption involves substituting the...

Today, the competitive business environment is data-driven. Data provides key insights into your customers and business performance that helps you make better decisions and improve processes. However, the sudden influx of employees working remotely exposes your organization’s information to several security threats.According to the FBI,...

Ransomware is the same as a data breach.From the standpoint of a data regulator, it is your company's job to keep data safe from cyber threats, notify clients about a breach within a certain time frame, and provide relevant documents as proof of your efforts....

Cloud Computing offers a bunch of advantages. Here are a few examples:1. Adaptive scalability. Scaling and load balancing on the fly for real-time resource capacity control 2. Cost-saving. An increase in the amount of back-end storage systems facilitates the transfer of CAPEX to OPEX. 3. Performance caliber....

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