Windows 10 For Everyone!

Windows 10 For Everyone!

Windows 10 is on it’s way and some more interesting news came out recently!

Microsoft already said in an earlier announcement that they will be giving out Windows 10 as a free upgrade to anyone with Windows 7 or 8.  In their most recent announcement they stated that Windows 10 will be available for free to essentially all PC users.  They stated that even systems running pirated copies of earlier versions of Windows will be included in the update as well.

Microsoft seems to be making a very big effort to have everyone on the same page and running the same version of Windows.  This could be very beneficial to PC users for many reasons.  Better support, better compatibility between devices and PC’s, and better programs for PC’s.  It should make computer networks more stable and just be all around better!

Here at SOS Support we’re pretty excited about all this news, and we are here to help out and keep you updated with all of the changes coming to the Windows world.  We are always dedicated to providing the best IT support in Salt Lake City and we are always here for your questions or concerns!



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