Tyler Kidman SOS Support IT Support

Tyler Kidman

Meet the Team: Tyler Kidman

This week, I have the honor of writing about my wonderful associates, and examples in my life.

Meet the team! Tyler Kidman is an amazing person and extremely hard worker. He is detail oriented, a quick learner and very engaged in his work with SOS. Tyler is adventurous and athletic. We enjoy working with him because he makes everyone around him smile! So, time always flies by. We are very pleased to have him on our team.

Tyler Kidman SOS Support IT Support

Tyler Kidman – Toolset and Remote Technician


Q:What is the name of your position? – IT Technician and Toolset Manager

Q:What do you do? – “I work after hours maintenance. I find and fix problems before clients know about them.”

Q:What do you most like about this company? – “I like the focus on the clients.”

Q:What are you most proud of? – “How we have found new ways to make clients more efficient.”

Q:What do you like doing outside of work? – “I love anything involving sports.”

Q:Where do you ultimately want to go in this company? – “I want to learn all that I can. I want to make the maintenance as efficient as possible.”

Q:What are your life long dreams? – “I want to become a doctor, and start a family of my own.”

Q:What is your biggest achievement within this company? – “The progress that I have made so far, and all the knowledge I’ve gained.”

Q:Outside of this company? – “I served an LDS mission for two years, and I am getting married this weekend  :)”

Q:What do you most like about your job? – “I love working with computers, and learning all that I have.”

Q:Why did you decide to apply for this job? – “I enjoy working with computers.”

Q:What are the most important facts about yourself? – “For work, I am detail oriented, and a little bit of a perfectionist. Outside of work, I love to make other people happy.”

Q:Why is it important to have someone like you? – “I am able to prevent the problems without interfering with the client’s daily work.”

Q:How old were you when you got your first job? – “I was 16, I worked at the Idaho National Lab. I was a computer technician actually.”

Q:Is there anything you would change about the company? – “I love it how it is!”

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