What is SOS Support

What is SOS Support?

Have you ever looked at Grease Monkey and thought, “This is my dream place to eat!” Or, “What kind of wood does Goodwood sell?” Company names have a way of drawing people in. We become attracted to a name, before we become attracted to its products. SOS Support is a magnificent company. Many people look at the name, and don’t know what to expect. Obviously a service, but what lies within the establishment?

Jason Kidman ~ CEO, President, and Founder of SOS Support

SOS Support is a leading provider of High Level Networking System
s, Efficient Integration, 24/7 Network & Server Monitoring & Business IT Infrastructures. Our IT Support Specialists in Draper, Utah are here to help your business grow! 80% of our work is remote, and 20% on site. We are hardworking professionals, who like to save our clients’ money.

We provide pro-active service and constant support to many small- and medium-sized businesses. We pride our company on reliability, organization, reputation, client satisfaction and personalized service. These attributes set us apart from other IT Support Specialists in Draper, Utah. We are outsourced IT, we love working with people. We become your partner, and help our clients reach the top.

The main goal of SOS Support overall, is to keep our clients happy. Because most of our work is remote, we try to fix problems before our clients even know about it. We receive alerts, and immediately jump on it. We like our clients feeling secure, and keeping their information safe. We love to talk to our clients. We want to get to know them, and we like to know how they are doing.

Jason Kidman, The owner of the company, grew up with a love of computers. His love for computers turned into a career. He specialized in onsite troubleshooting and PC fixing. After he graduated with his degree in business he started the company SOS Support.

SOS Support is a growing company, that has more than doubled in size each year. “Success means having the courage, the determination, and the will to become the person you believe you were meant to be.” ~George Sheehan. Don’t let the the fear of unknown get in your way. Don’t hold back, hold on for the ride.

“Work smart, Get things done, no nonsense, move fast.” -Susan Wojcicki.


SOS Logos

The original SOS Support logo, drawn by the late Chris Humphreys. (On the left) The Newest SOS logo (On the right)

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