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Data Security in Cloud Computing: What YOU Need to Know

Data Security in Cloud Computing: What YOU Need to Know

Just because it’s in the cloud doesn’t mean it’s safe


cloud security is the practice of protecting cloud-based data applications and infrastructure from cyber attacks. As cloud adoption grows more and more critical applications and data move to the cloud as well most major cloud service providers or csps offer standard cyber security tools, but don’t always provide enough coverage for what the enterprise requires.

Increasing the risk of data theft and loss typically the csp (Cloud Security Policy) is responsible for the software networking and facilities that run the cloud but not responsible for security in the cloud like how the csp’s resources are configured and used so cloud security services attempt to fill these gaps in this shared responsibility model.

It’s important that the csb vendors and the customer define who is responsible for what security measures. Some cloud security tools supplied by either the csp or the customer include cwpps or cloud workload protection platforms which protect workloads like vms applications or data consistently


Cloud access security brokers which serve as the gatekeeper between the customer and the cloud services. Before providing access a cloud security policy is key to ensuring safe and secure cloud operations.


How much have you thought  about the second risk data how can you prevent problems with the data you store there are many ways to get trapped here improper disclosure of your info by employees imagine accidentally sending an email containing credit card or social security numbers your application could disseminate harmful data sharing phishing URLs or malware or data could be stored somewhere without proper security protocols in place what can you do to stop that for your data’s sake I hope you know the answer to my question ok here’s what we know

data represents what data gets stored and where it’s located you must be sure that you don’t store personally identifiable information or PII which is data that could potentially be used to identify a user and even if you don’t store sensitive information

if you can’t find where you stored it that’s not going to be very useful to you or your customers typical concerns here include something bad with the people who can access machines for example a compromised employee accessing data they shouldn’t something bad with the data itself like receiving bad data or storing illegal data if the data coming into your system is junked then even if every other component of data security is working as normal the system still won’t function as intended

Sometimes unsanitized ADA can even be used to exploit a system to further compromised application something bad with the transfer or storage of data for example not being able to find where data is stored in this case the cloud solution would be losing data whether because it never got stored or because it got lost once it was either way the end result is that the data you need can’t be retrieved something bad with the machine data is being stored on like it containing malware or if there were compromised

VMS in this case even though the data is stored correctly it might be leaked or accessed by the wrong people luckily Google cloud provides a lot of tools and services to protect its users including but not limited to I am for controlling access to data resources encryption to make sure it’s stored and transfer data can’t be read even if it is stolen logging and monitoring to make sure that you can track what’s happening in your system D ID for making sure PII information is stripped before it’s ever stored in your system organizational policy to set rules on who can access what data and where it’s stored and better VMs or VM management like for set E or Google host patching etc

In order for you to make sure that the machines you use are secure let’s see how they work so how do we prevent problems of data we store I just listed a few tools I want to highlight a few of them cloud keep UI developers access and credit card databases they didn’t need access in the first place say there was an access violation though that’s where logging and monitoring can be used to track who was accessing what and automate the information gathering and alerting process as much as possible cloud platform provides tools such as Google cloud logging and Google cloud monitoring that make it easy to collect and analyze request logs and monitor the availability of your infrastructure services like VM instances these tools make it easy for you to create custom dashboards and set alerts when issues occur for example you could set up notifications to warn you of suspicious activity in your system or to notify you in access to a resource is taking too long for instance but really it’s good to be proactive as much as possible and set up organizational policy in organizational policies a centralized configuration of restrictions on how your organization’s resources can be used they define guardrails for your development teams to stay within compliance boundaries and help teams move quickly without worrying of breaking compliance for example you could set a policy to require all newly created restarted or updated cloud sequel instances to use customer managed encryption keys all of these tools and more work together to protect data.

Why businesses increasingly rely on cloud computing


Cloud-based services are appropriate for enterprises with changing or escalating bandwidth requirements. If your demands grow, you may easily scale up your cloud capacity by utilizing the service’s distant servers. Similarly, if you need to scale back down, the flexibility is built into the service. This level of adaptability can provide organizations employing cloud computing with a significant competitive edge.

Disaster Recovery at a Cheap Cost

Companies of all sizes should engage in robust disaster recovery, but for smaller organizations without the necessary funds and skills, this is sometimes more of a pipe dream than a reality. Cloud computing is currently assisting more enterprises in deviating from this trend.

Let the Cloud to Upgrade Your Software

The benefit of cloud computing is that the servers are located elsewhere, out of sight and out of your way. Suppliers handle them for you and provide frequent software upgrades, including security patches, so you don’t have to waste time maintaining the system yourself. This frees you up to concentrate on the important things, such as building your business.

No Capital Expenditure (Opex vs Capex)

Cloud computing eliminates the need for expensive hardware. You just pay as you go and benefit from a subscription-based strategy that is easy on your wallet. Throw in the simplicity of setup and maintenance, and your frightening, hairy IT project suddenly appears a lot nicer. It’s never been easier to get started.

Enhanced Cooperation

When your teams can access, modify, and share documents at any time and from any location, they can do more and do it better. Cloud-based workflow and file-sharing tools enable them to make real-time modifications and gain complete insight into their interactions.

Work from any location

Moving to the cloud allows you to work anywhere you have an internet connection. Additionally, because most major cloud providers offer mobile apps, you aren’t limited to the device you have on hand.

Document Management

The more workers and partners interact on papers, the more important watertight document control becomes. Workers had to transmit files back and forth as email attachments to be worked on by one person at a time before the cloud. You’ll wind up with a jumble of contradictory file content, formats, and titles sooner or later—usually sooner.

Yet as even the smallest businesses become more global, the potential for trouble grows. “73% of knowledge workers collaborate with colleagues in other time zones and locations at least monthly,” according to one survey.

When you switch to cloud computing, all of your data are kept centrally, and everyone sees the same version. Increased visibility leads to better cooperation, which leads to better work and a healthier bottom line. If you’re still doing things the old way, it might be time to try something new.


Laptop theft is a multibillion-dollar business concern. The loss of sensitive data contained within an expensive piece of equipment is potentially more damaging than the loss of the costly piece of equipment itself. When this occurs, cloud computing provides more security. Because your data is saved in the cloud, you can access it even if your PC fails. You can even remotely delete data from misplaced computers to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands.


Do you wish there was a simple measure you could take to improve your competitiveness? By migrating to the cloud, everyone gains access to enterprise-class technologies. It also enables smaller firms to react more quickly than larger, more established competitors. Pay-as-you-go service and cloud business software enable small businesses to compete with the big guys.

Environmentally Conscious

While the preceding reasons highlight the advantages of cloud computing for your organization, switching to the cloud isn’t totally selfish. The environment is also given some attention. When your cloud requirements change, your server capacity adjusts accordingly. You merely utilize what you need and don’t leave large carbon footprints.


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The changing business landscape and implications for cloud security

Why Companies Need Cloud Data Protection

Among the advantages of cloud data protection are the following:

Maintain total visibility into every user, folder, and file activities while securing applications and data across numerous environments.

Identify and manage risks like as security threats, suspicious user activity, malware, and others in a proactive manner.

Improve access control.

Create policies.

Data loss and disturbance may be avoided and detected.

Hazards That Are Overestimated

When contemplating shifting corporate data and activities to the cloud, two major concerns frequently arise: security and the danger of data loss. All of these fears, in our opinion, are overstated – if anything, most sensible experts have established that, rather than being dangers, these two features are actually enhanced with cloud hosting, and are thus benefits of shifting to a cloud data storage service!

The first of these hazards, security, is a difficult one to address. People are generally concerned about their data staying uncompromised by hackers, secret and unadulterated by cloud host workers, and inaccessible to others who may utilize the same cloud hosting servers in the context of cloud hosting.

A Secret Danger

There is a significant hidden risk hiding just under the surface that is sometimes overlooked in talks of cloud hosting data. This is the danger to your data during the many transit activities between end users and the cloud host. In contrast to having an in-house closed-network data center, cloud hosting requires near continual data flow from your employees to and from the remote host, frequently via open, unsecured internet protocol connections.

Some providers offer security packages with multi-factor authentication for ultra-secure data, or use some form of dedicated data tunneling, but this can be very expensive and may not be an option for many businesses, particularly small and medium-sized businesses, which cannot afford or negotiate these costs.

How to Handle Unknown Risks

Using a third-party VPN service may be the simplest and most cost-effective approach. VPN services may assure that data flow between users and the VPN server is a totally encrypted procedure for a very cheap monthly subscription, employing military and bank-grade encryption that cannot be cracked by brute force. VPNs may be an excellent option when combined with additional passive security features like as safeguarding actual IP addresses and leaving government and ISP censors blind to the content of your transmissions. They are also simple to use; once signed up, simply have your staff activate a client or app while accessing network services, which are often left in an always-on state in the background.

6 Common Cybersecurity Risks That Could Impact Your Business


Ransomware is one of the most serious cybersecurity issues to be aware of right now. This is a sort of malicious software that gains access to your computer’s security systems or data, locks and encrypts them, and then demands a monetary ransom for their release. Ransomware exposes your most sensitive data and can be financially disastrous.

Social Engineering

Social engineering and phishing attempts have been occurring since the 1990s, yet they remain significant security dangers today. The general public is significantly more aware of phishing assaults now than they were 20 years ago, but hackers’ social engineering methods have improved.

Vulnerabilities in the Cloud

With good reason, organizations all over the world have shifted to cloud-based software and networks in recent years. Cloud services eliminate the need for on-premise servers and facilitate remote work. Workers who use cloud technology may get the software they require with only an internet connection and may even be able to operate from their cellphones.

While cloud services are extremely handy, they also introduce new security vulnerabilities. Your data may be jeopardized if your cloud provider suffers a security breach. This is why it is critical to select providers who take cloud security seriously. They should be open and honest about their security procedures, and they should collaborate with you to verify that your servers are correctly set.

Internet of Things Devices

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of physical items that connect with one another through the internet. Smart thermostats, security monitors, and voice-controlled home assistants like Google Home or Amazon Echo are popular examples of IoT gadgets.

IoT devices have grown in popularity among homes, but they are also often employed in commercial settings. While these gadgets are extremely handy and provide really useful services, they are also vulnerable to a wide range of cyber assaults. Although your IoT devices may not hold critical data on their own, they might act as a gateway to the rest of your network.


Third-Party Disclosure

Your company doesn’t operate in a vacuum; chances are, you collaborate with vendors and service providers to get things done. Working with other parties is often necessary for success, but it also adds a security risk. If one of your partners suffers a security breach, there is a probability that you will suffer one as well.

Because of the advent of SaaS applications, it is now easier than ever to outsource your operations over the internet. While this is incredibly useful for optimizing your processes, it also increases the danger of a data breach in your firm. The proportion of firms that have had a third-party security incident has increased from 21% in 2021 to 45% in 2022.


Inadequate Cybersecurity Practices

Cybercrime frequently occurs because the target entity did not have enough security measures in place. When it comes to information security, you can never be too cautious, especially when the potential of a data breach is so high right now.

While you’re managing hectic day-to-day operations, it’s easy to let cybersecurity slip. But, simple actions like having weak passwords, forgetting to update your software, and working on unprotected wireless networks all increase your vulnerability to cyber assaults.


6 Cloud Data Security Best Practices

1. Sort Your Cloud Services and Places

You can tell whether a cloud is public, private, or hybrid based on its location.

A public cloud is when resources such as servers and storage are owned and controlled by a third party and made available through the internet. This public cloud is the most popular since it offers various benefits, including:

Reduced expenses since the service provider owns the gear and software. You only pay for the resources you utilize this way.

Maintenance is not required because it is covered by the supplier.

Your service will scale with you as your business demands develop, thanks to on-demand resources.

Reliability is ensured via a wide network of servers that protects against failure.

A private cloud is one in which just one business uses the computer resources. This form of cloud can be hosted on-site by your business or by a third-party supplier. Unlike the public cloud, however, the services and infrastructure are maintained on a private network, with hardware and software devoted solely to your firm. A private cloud has several advantages, including:

Flexibility since your firm may tailor the cloud environment to meet your unique demands at any time.

When resources are not shared with other entities, security is enhanced. This enables for greater degrees of control specific to your company.

Private clouds, like public clouds, provide great scalability choices based on your company needs.

Hybrid Cloud: A hybrid cloud is created when private cloud computing infrastructure is integrated with public cloud computing infrastructure to gain the benefits of both. Data and applications may flow between private and public clouds using hybrid clouds, providing greater flexibility and additional deployment options. In general, the most critical apps are kept in the private cloud, while secondary applications are kept elsewhere. Some of the advantages of a hybrid cloud are as follows:

As your firm may maintain a private infrastructure, you have control over unique assets.

Flexibility as a result of additional resources available in the public cloud when needed.

The ability to scale to the public cloud saves money since you just pay for the extra processing power you require.

Workload phasing over time

IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service) (Infrastructure-as-a-Service)

IaaS is the most popular type of cloud computing service. The notion is that you rent IT infrastructure, such as servers or virtual machines, from a cloud provider on a pay-as-you-go basis.

PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service) (Platform-as-a-Service)

PaaS is more of a development and testing environment for software applications. It enables the creation and deployment of applications without the need to set up or manage the underlying infrastructure required for development.

SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) (Software-as-a-Service)

SaaS is a method of providing software programs through the internet, typically through a subscription. It aids with the hosting and management of the application, as well as the underlying infrastructure and maintenance.

FaaS (Functions-as-a-Service) (Functions-as-a-Service)

FaaS allows developers to be entirely isolated from anything below their code in the stack. This eliminates the need for them to maintain virtual servers, containers, and application run times, allowing them to submit limited, functional chunks of code that will be triggered by certain events.

Understanding your shared responsibility model will allow you to go on to our next cloud security best practice: classifying your cloud.

2. Recognize Your Shared Responsibility Model

Depending on the services used, responsibility for maintaining NACHA compliance related to stored data may fall to your company or your cloud provider. While the company is ultimately responsible for IT security, the cloud provider bears responsibility for some aspects of IT security. The “Shared Responsibility Model” describes this. Using TokenEx’s cloud platform would result in a paradigm of shared responsibility similar to this:

Matrix of Responsibilities

3. Understand how your data is accessed and stored.

According to the McAfee 2019 Cloud Adoption and Risk Study, sensitive data components are included in 21% of all cloud files. It is vital to audit your cloud services and understand what data they manage. Most data will most likely reside in well-established cloud services or those familiar to your company, but no one cloud service can ensure that your data is completely protected from harm. As a result, in any cloud environment, it is critical to examine the permissions associated with your data on a frequent basis. Certain sensitive data may need to be isolated or erased completely.

4. Form Alliances with Trusted Cloud Providers

Several highly respected certifications identify cloud service providers who have a continuous track record of accountability, transparency, and satisfying set regulatory norms. This includes, but is not limited to, SAS 70 Type II and ISO 27001. These service providers often make available reports on security audits, outcomes, certifications, and other topics. It is critical that these audits be based on established regulatory requirements and are done independently to prevent any potential prejudice. Although credible cloud providers should maintain certifications on an ongoing basis and advise clients of any status changes, it is always your job to understand your organization’s data security demands and compliance requirements.

5. Inquire with your cloud provider about the security measures in place.

Your data may be stored or hosted by a service, but it remains your property. Do not be afraid to ask specific questions about your cloud provider’s strategies for securing sensitive data. Never believe your own or your provider’s security measures are unbreakable. A trustworthy supplier should follow industry-recognized best practices like Zero Trust and other data-centric security concepts. The security solutions provided by different cloud providers may differ depending on their application and data service specialities. One vendor may be ideal for extremely sensitive data applications, while another may be ideal for less sensitive tasks.

6. Create and Implement Cloud Security Policies

With a complete “safe list,” your business will be able to develop criteria describing who has access to what cloud services, how they can use them, and what sorts of data may be kept in those cloud services. In addition, your firm should consider which security solutions are required to secure data in the cloud. An ideal setup would include automated solutions to guarantee that everyone is following the same criteria, whether they are provided by a cloud vendor’s security feature or your business acquiring a separate security solution with policy-enforcement capabilities.

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