Pay Attention! This is Why you should use Fiber Optics over the Standard Coxial Cable

Pay Attention! This is Why you should use Fiber Optics over the Standard Coxial Cable

For long runs, fiber optic cables are capable of far longer runs than coax and have a greater fast download speed than coax cable. Fiberoptic is and will give you the fastest download speed.

Nevertheless, for the company, it is more expensive to install. Because, they install the line and modem and logically it will cost you more per month because they are giving you 1-gigabit download and 800 megabit upload on fiberoptic, were as coax may give you 300 to 400 megabits download and 20 to 50 megabits upload.

But, at the same time, fiber has little loss. 500 meters of coaxial cable may have a 20 dB loss were as 20 kilometers of fiber may have a 5 dB loss, so, you won’t pay unnecessary extra charges.

Also fiber optic uses laser light to send the information over the glass cable, coaxial cable is a copper line and sends its frequency over the line.

Also, fiber is more reliable, it doesn’t send electricity so it’s impervious to electromagnetic (EM) interference and won’t catch on fire, and it takes less than a third of the energy.

The fiber optical cable has many more advantages over a standard copper coaxial cable for example:

1. Goes not require a shield against induced noise from nearby electrical conductors,
2. Has no susceptibility to metal corrosion
3. Has a higher frequency range and wider bandwidth for data transmission and multiplexing.
4. Lessor susceptibility to an environmental condition such as temperature, pressure, and moisture

Also, guys The amount of information that can be transmitted per unit time of fiber over other transmission media is its most significant advantage. Optical fiber offers low power loss, which allows for longer transmission distances.

We highly recommend fiber over coax, and also, by August 2022 All POTS (copper) Lines in the USA must be replaced with an alternative service, according to The FCC. The FCC has issued Order 10-72A1 that mandates that all traditional analog copper POTS lines must be changed to fiber/cellular IP-based communication with no exception. So, it is just a matter of months to change the standard coaxial cable systems for fiber optics.

POTS Lines in the USA must be replaced with an alternative service

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