11 Oct Agile Methodology
Posted at 14:30h
in Blog
Guys, today we’re bringing you a new work methodology, to make you accomplish your work schedule faster and with more precision
When you pick a method to track your team performance, before you adopt it, make sure you spend time really understanding it. Doing so, you need to answer the following questions:
• Why does it do things the way it does?
• What is the point of the processes it introduces?
• What assumptions does it make about the team, the type of work, the external environment, etc.?
• What team roles does it construct? Why? What capabilities are the people in those roles supposed to have?
It’s important to point that, according to the complexity of the work and the number of work employees, not all companies need the same methodology. For example, in a 3 people company, it’s not necessary a Scrum, because, you can communicate easily and you use short-term planning. While, in a highly departmentalized company, with a high workflow and a huge amount of processes, you’ll need a work methodology, to track your team performance.
That’s why we introduce the Agile Methodology!
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