Agile Methodology

Agile Methodology

Guys, today we’re bringing you a new work methodology, to make you accomplish your work schedule faster and with more precision

When you pick a method to track your team performance, before you adopt it, make sure you spend time really understanding it. Doing so, you need to answer the following questions:

• Why does it do things the way it does?
• What is the point of the processes it introduces?
• What assumptions does it make about the team, the type of work, the external environment, etc.?
• What team roles does it construct? Why? What capabilities are the people in those roles supposed to have?

It’s important to point that, according to the complexity of the work and the number of work employees, not all companies need the same methodology. For example, in a 3 people company, it’s not necessary a Scrum, because, you can communicate easily and you use short-term planning. While, in a highly departmentalized company, with a high workflow and a huge amount of processes, you’ll need a work methodology, to track your team performance.

That’s why we introduce the Agile Methodology!

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An Agile Methodology is an approach to software development that seeks the continuous delivery of working software created in rapid iterations. Agile Software Development uses adaptive approaches and teamwork to focus on continuous improvement. Agile software development methodologies are all about delivering small pieces of working software quickly to improve customer satisfaction.

Agile Methodology enables you:

Quick, frequent delivery to the production system: When you work under an Agile Methodology, you provide more value to your clients sooner, also, you constantly give them an insight into what’s going on in the company, how’s the time employed, and the stage where a brand new product is on. Make sure the testing process isn’t too long nor complicated, so you will deploy the production often and without interruptions.

Iterative development of features: You will want to decrease risk and get more feedback faster by following an iterative and incremental approach in development. An iterative approach is one where the content of the methodology is adapted throughout the research program.

Safety from regression: Since you will deliver to production very often and change the existing code very often, you need a safety net that makes sure you did not break anything.

Maintainability of tests: You will change features very often, so you need a quick way to find all tests that are affected by a change. And you need a quick way to decide which tests you have to change or re-write, and which tests have to pass unchanged after you change the production software. You need to become good at organizing your tests!

Safety on different levels: You need different levels of tests. Tests that ensure that small parts are technically correct (“unit tests”), tests that ensure that the application does what it should from a business perspective (“executable specifications” or “agile acceptance tests”), tests that ensure that the software is fast, etc… Guess what?… With the Agile Methodology is possible

You should try this methodology! In the following post, I’ll share with you 5 benefits of the Agile Methodology

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